Thursday, December 8, 2011

Annoying Things People Do On Facebook - A response to another blog

Annoying Things People Do On Facebook - A response to another blog

Two days ago, I noticed a link that several people posted in regards to a blog entitled “15 things white girls love to do on Facebook (  Click Here to Read This Blog ) I decided to check it out to get an understanding to see the things that I “apparently love to do” since I fall in to the demographic.  Overall the blog was clever, but I really had to disagree with a lot of the points that were made.   I feel that I do way more annoying things than what the blog had listed. 
Here is a list of things I compiled with the help of some friends, that I think put things in to perspective a little better for both men and women:

7 annoying things that women love to do on FB
1.    The ducky/kissy face/scissor gang mafia pose.
You can’t deny it ladies, at one point; we have all taken pictures of this, and it’s sad but true.   For me, it’s typically when I’m drunk.   Rather than looking cute, I appear as if I am a wannabe thug with down-syndrome.  Most of the girls that think this is cute are not of legal drinking age, which is still no excuse.  Your faces look like you just smelled a fart.   I would love to hunt down the duck faced hippy bitch that convinced women this was ok, and hook her up with the guy that made shirtless mirror pictures acceptable. Together, these two could give Heidi and Spencer Pratt a run for their money on all levels of worlds lamest couple. 

2.      Threaten someone who pissed them off via status message.
Ok great you got beef with someone.  Thanks for letting the whole world know.  Chances are this person isn’t even your Facebook friend, meaning they aren’t going to see any snide indirect remarks that you are making about them.  In order to make this socially acceptable, I would much rather see you call them out to some sort of death match and create a Facebook event for me to attend.  Watching something unfold in real life is more exciting than watching you try to bust a caps lock on someone’s ass via Facebook.

3.      Have entire conversations with their immediate friends via fb wall. 
I remember the days before Facebook where if people had a question, they would just pick up the phone.  Now a days, rather than doing that, we find pleasure in the laziness of posting a question to someone’s wall for all to see, which typically comes from our Facebook phone app anyways.   I don’t know about you but posting “Hey, how did your gynecologist appointment go, everything negative?”  on my friends wall sounds so much better on a Facebook wall, than in private. 

Song Lyrics that end with a heart character <3
I am a musician; therefore I have a professional respect for good song lyrics.  I don’t understand why women need to reinforce gushy lyrics with a heart at the end.  It’s annoying.  Do you think that by putting a heart at the end of love song lyrics, I'm not smart enough to know your happy about something?  It's Facebook, not an episode of Glee.  Every time I see your little hearts, a love song by Papa Roach comes to mind: "Cut my life in to pieces, this is my last resort <3"

Comment Whores
I love seeing a random girl’s picture pop up on my wall where 100 of my male friends are tagged in it.  Seriously?  Are you that much of an attention whore that you feel the need to tag random strangers to comment on your pic?  Unless you are trying to find participants in your "Facebook 2012 Gang Bang," I suggest you stop trolling for compliments, put some clothes on, stop being a attention whore and join an online dating website. 

Boyfriend/Husband Envy

I’m happy that you’re happy. However, is it really necessary  to constantly express your love for him on your status messages?  I’m not saying this because I’m single and bitter that you’re happy, I’m saying this because every time I log in, I could give a shit less reading about how he brought you flowers, breakfast in bed or actually accomplished taking out the trash without you asking.   I'm sure before you met him, you were actually interesting to talk to because you had a life of your own.  Now with your new found penis envy, your life is about as exciting as a blind man at a strip club. 

Uploading Pictures/Checking in places

If you were reality TV show worthy, MTV would have contacted you.  Obviously since I do not see a TV show about your life on any cable channels, there is no need to constantly upload pictures of your entire life as it is happening while informing people where you are all the time. Clearly if you have the time to update me as to every little thing you are doing, you don't have much excitement in your life.  Facebook is for friends, they are not your fans.  Stop thinking that you the next  Kim Kardashian of Facebook.  If you have all this free time to constantly be active on Facebook, maybe you do something with your life, like getting a legitimate job and become a useful member of society. 

7 annoying things that men do on Facebook

1.  Sports envy
Any female knows that you cannot condone a man for his love of sports.  Unless you intend on turning a gay man straight, it is something that comes with the territory.   Nothing is more annoying than logging on to FB to find your wall flooded with game updates.  Chances are, I'm already watching, I do not need 200 status updates telling me what the score is.  I don't understand the need to express "WOW DID YOU SEE THAT HIT?" Yes I saw it Captain Obvious, I'm watching the same damn thing you are.  If only men could channel that excitement in to more productive things like "I JUST MADE A SANDWICH ALL BY MYSELF." Not only would that be more exciting, it may actually earn yourself a blow job from the girlfriend/wife that you neglect during game time.

2.  Using Facebook as a dating service
All because  we have mutual friends, doesn't mean we should date.  Girls appreciate the idea that you think we are pretty and want to get to know us, but nothing is more creepier than getting a random add from a total stranger who then proceeds to ask you out.  If you are that interested in finding a date, go to an actual dating website.  If you're really interested someone via Facebook, ask our mutual friend to talk to us first.  Scoping FB for women about as sad as  discovering you have 1 daily video left on youporn.

3.  No pictures of yourself at all
How can I tell if I went I know you if the only pictures you have on your profile are of your car, dog, house and favorite sports teams?  This is annoying for several reasons.  You are capable of uploading pictures obviously, however, why feel the need to hide?  Did you gain 100 lbs?  Are you now bald?  We don't care if you drive a Lexus, live in a mansion or love the Steelers.  We want to know if you are who we think you are, because right now all you are is some pompous asshole with a identity complex.  Unless you are Batman by night, that may be why no one is responding to your friend requests.

4.  Girlfriend/Wife Envy
It's definitely cute when a guy can express his feelings toward his partner, however when it's on a daily basis, it becomes less manlier and more gay.  Obviously if you feel the need to tell the world how great and wonderful she is, your happy and that's fine.  It's not fine when you turn in to a babbling idiot who feels the need express your love to her daily, on Facebook - for all of your friends to see.  There is already 1 vagina in the relationship, if you keep sharing your feelings with the world you may in fact grow a vagina of your own. FYI - all of your single friends already probably think you've already turned in to one.

5. Shirtless Mirror Pics
This is the equivalent to the kissy/ducky faces that girls do.  Where I appreciate a nicely toned male body, nothing is more douchier than seeing a half naked man taking a picture in front of a mirror.  This is Facebook, not Myspace.   If you're at the beach or pool, or even doing something productive like working outside that's one thing, but to stage a photo shoot of yourself in your bathroom mirror, your just confirming what the rest of your friends were thinking - you are an absolute tool and probably one of those guys that make fun of the girls that make the kissy faces.  I hate to tell you, but maybe rather than taking a picture of yourself in the mirror, maybe you should just look at yourself, and see what a jackass you've become.

6.  Making a statement and responding with a negative comment
No one likes a Debbie Downer.  If you are going to bitch and moan about being single/lonely/wishing you had someone/having a bad day, don't respond with a prickish comment.  Its "mooch" repellant.  Nothing is more annoying than trying to help a guy cheer up, only for them to bring you down because they are miserable.  It's not the person respondings fault that you are a miserable, lonely son of a bitch in a foul mood.  Maybe you should revisit your outlook on life, grab a glass of wine and call an escort.

7.  Tagging Yourself In places
Again another annoying thing that guys do, however there is a flip side to it.  If I am avoiding you, and know where you are going to be, I now know where not to go.  I don't care if you are the mayor of Erotica or the President of Mt. Washington.  If I wanted to know where you were going to be, I would of politely asked.  I don't want to hear you complain when that crazy ex girlfriend starts showing up places that you are at causing trouble.  You did it to yourself by telling the world where you are.  Until I know that you are as far away from me as possible...I'm content.

Keepin' it Real

Special thanks to Katie, 2 random girls, and Paul for the input!


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